TDC will be closed from Saturday, February 15 through Monday, February 17 for President's Day Weekend. Classes resume on Tuesday, February 18.
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Casting Process


Performers for WWPDC productions are selected by audition only. The director select performers based on a number of criteria including skill level in the particular form of dance, experience, and attitude. There are also a number of less obvious selection criteria, including the choreographic requirements and limitations, as well as costume availability and sizing. Parents are encouraged to review our production guidelines prior to having their dancer audition. WWPDC productions are not recitals. In some cases, a dancer may not be selected for a particular role or type of dance. Though WWPDC aims to provide participation opportunities for all dancers, we respectfully remind our parents and dancers that casting is solely the discretion of the director.


Shortly after auditions have been completed, we will post our cast list. WWPDC director casts the shows based upon specific roles and choreographic requirements. Children may be cast in numbers that they have performed in previously. Each production is performed twice. In some cases, we might cast different dancers for the same role or dance. This is called double casting. Unless a dancer has been double cast, that dancer will perform in both productions.

Casting is subject to change based on attendance at rehearsals and the quality of performance during rehearsals. If a performer cannot participate in a role or group dance in which they were cast, please let us know immediately so we can recast.


Dancers who have been cast for a production must register online for each role/group dance they accept. Registration confirms that you have read, understood and accepted our terms for participation. It also helps us organize each rehearsal and allows us to keep you up to date with announcements. Participation fees are due at the first rehearsal.


Rehearsals will begin the weekend after auditions. Rehearsals are normally held only on Saturday and Sunday. Times may vary from week to week based upon the time required to rehearse each dance, the need for costume fittings, and studio availability. Rehearsal and Fitting Schedules are posted weekly. Schedules for the following weekend will be announced by Monday evening. The dress rehearsal is typically held on the morning/early afternoon of the first performance. The dress rehearsal schedule will be released several weeks prior to the performance date(s).


Costume fittings for each number begin to occur almost immediately. Fitting times are noted on the rehearsal schedule. Please check the schedule carefully as each number will be assigned one fitting date/time. Female dancers must wear a leotard for fittings.


WWPDC performances are typically held at one of the local middle schools. The dates and location of the performances will be announced with the audition notice. Each production is performed twice: typically on a Saturday night and a Sunday afternoon. Each dancer will be assigned a dressing room for performances and are not permitted to be in the audience during the show.

Cast Party

WWPDC hosts a cast party for all dancers (and their families) and volunteers. This is an opportunity for the dancers to celebrate their accomplishment and enjoy some non-dance time with new friends. The WWPDC cast party is typically held on the evening following the last performance. Dancers and their families will have an opportunity to view a video recording of the show while they enjoy dinner, snacks, and dessert with their WWPDC family.

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"I love all the teachers and we are so close. I love being a part of something that has changed me for the best."
TDC Dancer since age 8
Elite Team Dancer since age 8
WWPDC Member
The Dance Corner The Elite Team West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company