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Get Involved

WWPDC’s adult volunteers are the backbone of our productions. Producing a successful show involves a coordinated parent/teacher force loading and unloading sets, managing props, working with sound and lighting, altering and cleaning costumes, assisting with costume changes, fund raising, and monitoring our dancers in dressing rooms. If you would like to be an integral part of the WWPDC family and share in your dancer’s production experience, please contact us! Volunteers are needed in several areas:

Advertising Sales

WWPDC obtains some of its funding through the sale of advertisements in our production programs. If you think you could help sell advertising to other businesses in our community for our program, please let us know.

Backstage Crew

The backstage crew handles set changes, props and curtains during the show. Our backstage crew is vital to a smooth running production. Backstage crew also gets a unique view of our entire production!

Costume Alteration

WWPDC is always in need of volunteers who are able to alter costumes. Whether you can do complex alterations or can only sew a hem, we would love your help.

Costume Cleaning

We have hundreds of costumes to be laundered after each production. Cleaners will be given easy to follow instructions and the necessary materials for cleaning. Cleaners will need to gather costumes after the last performance and return them after cleaning to the studio. This is a critical role for WWPDC.

Costume Fitting

Costume fitting volunteers are needed during rehearsals (Saturday/Sunday) in order to assign costumes to dancers and pin for alterations. This is a ladies only position.


The West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company is a New Jersey not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation with federal not-for-profit status. As a performing company, it is affiliated with The Dance Corner. If you would like be involved with WWPDC, but are unable to volunteer, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the WWPDC or becoming a corporate sponsor.

Fund Raising

If you have experience raising funds for not-for-profit organizations and would like to help us raise money in support of our production company, please contact the director.

Helping Room Moms

Our dancers get dressed in classrooms. The responsibility of the Helping Room Moms is to help with costume changes if necessary, make sure that the kids are behaving properly in the classroom, and making sure that they do not leave before the staff has released them to do so. As a result of this responsibility they will not see the performance. Helping room parents can view the dances of their room’s children from the wings of the stage. Usually a helping room mom only signs up for one day.

Public Relations

These volunteers prepare press releases for publication. This is a good role for a strong writer with a flair for word craft.

Quick Change Assistants

This is a ladies only job. Performers who have back-to-back, or nearly back-to-back numbers need assistance to change quickly. This is an ideal role for an experienced dance parent.


Runners do not have to be fast, but they are responsible for making sure that all of the performers in a number get from the dressing rooms to the stage at the right time and that they all return to the dressing room afterward.

Set Loading and Unloading

All of our sets must be loaded into a truck and delivered to the theater before the dress rehearsal and returned to storage immediately after the last show. Stage loading and break down can require lifting of heavy materials and some familiarity with hand tools.

Sound and Lighting

The sound and lighting crew manages the sound, lighting, and narration of our shows. If you have experience in this area, please let us know.

Stage Setup

The stage and backstage areas are set up the evening prior to dress rehearsal. Stage set up typically takes 2-3 hours. This role may require lifting of heavy materials and some familiarity with hand tools.

Ticket Sales, Ticket Collection, And Program Distribution

If you are interesting in helping with pre-production sales of tickets, please contact the directors after casting is announced. If you would like to help sell tickets at the door, collect tickets at the door, or help hand out programs during the performances, look for a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the studio.

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"I love all the teachers and we are so close. I love being a part of something that has changed me for the best."
TDC Dancer since age 8
Elite Team Dancer since age 8
WWPDC Member
The Dance Corner The Elite Team West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company