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Adult/Teen Open Ballet
Bottom Round Cap

Adult/Teen Open Ballet

Ballet is a classical form of dance that provides the foundational skills for all other styles.  Emphasis is placed on body alignment, arm position, turnout, flexibility, fluidity, precision, and strength.  Ballet is offered in three levels; class placement is determined by skill level and students may repeat levels until they have achieved mastery.   Adult/teen classes may choose to perform in the annual recital.  Registration is offered as a standard (year) offering or on a drop-in basis.

Beginner Ballet

This class is a wonderful introduction to ballet for students with little to no previous experience or who have not taken a ballet class since their youth.  In this class, dancers will learn basic ballet skills and terminology. Barre, center and across the floor movements as well as the fundamentals of balance and general alignment are introduced at this level.  (No prerequisite.)

Advanced Beginner Ballet

Dancers will execute more intricate combinations. In the center, they will strive to master more complex turns and traveling exercises. Emphasis is placed on fluidity of movement, proper arm and head placement, and more advanced terminology. (Dancer should have completed Beginner Ballet or have permission of the instructor to register.)

Intermediate Ballet

Dancers will learn intermediate barre work with an emphasis on alignment and strengthening of the core muscles. There is an increased demand on foot work along with head and arm coordination. More complex center combinations and traveling exercises are utilized.  (Dancer should have completed Advanced Beginner Ballet or have permission of the instructor to register.)

Standard 60 mins

See individual class descriptions.


Ages 13 - Adult


Any sort of leotard, tights or comfortable athletic-wear.


Hair must be tied back.


Pink leather or canvas ballet slippers.

Schedule of 2024-25 Adult/Teen Open Ballet Classes

Bottom Round Cap
Quote Marks
"I dance because it helps express my feelings when I feel sad."
TDC Dancer since age 2
Elite Team Dancer since age 8
WWPDC Member
The Dance Corner The Elite Team West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company