Bottom Round Cap

WWPDC Policies

Participation Fees

WWPDC dancers are charged a participation fee of $100 for the first routine and $75 for each additional production dance number. These fees are used to offset the costs of the WWPDC including rental of the theater, storage of sets and costumes, custodial cleanup, costume cleaning, new costumes, and other production related costs.


No more than two absences are allowed. When possible, parents should notify the director in advance by email if their dancer must miss a rehearsal. Dancers must arrive 5 minutes prior to the scheduled rehearsal start time and be properly prepared with the required shoes and appropriate dance attire. Any type of dancewear is adequate and the dancer’s hair should be neatly pulled back in a bun or a ponytail. At all times, we expect that dancers will be courteous to one another, the director, choreographers, and any parents who may be volunteering to help with the production. The director reserves the right to dismiss or recast any dancer due to absences, conduct, or failure to maintain WWPDC policies.

Costumes and Shoes

Production costumes are the property of WWPDC. Each dancer will be measured for costumes on the day of auditions. Costume fittings will be conducted during rehearsals. Alterations will be made by our alteration volunteers. We do not charge a fee for the use of our costumes. Dancers will not be permitted to keep their costumes after the production. Each role/dance routine has a requirement for a particular type of shoe and makeup. Shoes and makeup must be purchased by the dancer.

Dress Rehearsal

A dress rehearsal is a final rehearsal, performed at the theater, in costume, before the performance. The dress rehearsal schedule will be found on the announcement page. Ordinarily, the dress rehearsal is scheduled for the morning into the early afternoon of the first performance day. Please note, no food is permitted in the theater. Dressing rooms will be open during dress rehearsal. However, we will not have dressing room help or quick change volunteers. Parents must assist their dancer(s) to get into costume for each number during dress rehearsal. Dancers will wait in the auditorium (in the audience) between numbers.

Once your dancer has rehearsed his/her last dance, you are free to go. However, if your child is interested in watching other routines, you are welcome to remain in the audience. This is the often the only opportunity our dancers get to see other dances as they will be in the dressing rooms during the performances. If you wish to take pictures of your dancers in costume, this is the only time to do so. Photography and video is not permitted during performances, but is acceptable in dress rehearsals. Costumes will be left at the theater after dress rehearsal. They are not to be worn or taken home.


Photography and video record is prohibited. Each recital performance is professionally recorded. Personal videography is not permitted during performances for the safety of our dancers and out of consideration for other audience members. Digital downloads will be available for purchase. Videos can be ordered in advance or up to one week following the recital. Personal videography is permitted and encouraged at the dress rehearsal.

Similarly, each performance is professionally photographed. Personal photography is not permitted during performances for the safety of our dancers and out of consideration for other audience members. Photos will be available for purchase ten days after the performance. Families will receive an email with online ordering information when photos are ready for viewing. Personal photography is permitted and encouraged at the dress rehearsal. Please tag us in your pictures on Facebook (@thedancecornerinc) and Instagram (@thedancecornerlife or #wwpdc).

Performance Days

Upon arriving at the venue, dancers should proceed immediately to their assigned dressing room. Dressing room assignments will be posted outside Studio A at The Dance Corner as well as in the lobby of the venue. Parents should assist their dancer in dressing in their first costume. Each dressing room will have Helping Parents assigned. These parents will assist their assigned dancers in changing into subsequent costumes and monitor children who need to use the restroom. Dancers who have “quick changes” (costume changes with only a few minutes between numbers) will report to the Quick Change area backstage. Volunteers will assist these dancers in changing for their next number. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the dancer’s costume/shoes/accessories are in the Quick Change area prior to the start of the performance. You will be informed if your child has a quick change and which costume(s) should be placed in this area.

Unlike the dress rehearsal, dancers are not permitted to be in costume anywhere except the dressing rooms and the stage. They are not permitted to be in costume in the audience. Costumes must be left at the theater after each performance. They are not to be worn or taken home. All costumes are the property of WWPDC.

Food and drink are not permitted in the dressing rooms, though dancers may bring water. It is also advisable to have younger children pack an activity such as coloring pages/activity books and crayons (not markers) to pass their time. We do not recommend dancers bring valuable or expensive devices as WWPDC does not take responsibility for lost, damaged, or broken personal items.

For the safety of the dancers, all dancers must remain in the changing rooms during the performance. Dancers should not change out of their costumes until after the final bows. After the performance is over, the stage crew will allow one female family member to pick up her dancer(s). If there is no female available to pick up a performer, please advise the stage crew who will arrange to have someone deliver the dancer to you. Children will not be released unattended.

Communication with the Director/Choreographers

Parents who need to talk to the director or a choreographer should call or email the studio to arrange a suitable time to discuss any questions. Rehearsal days are long and tightly scheduled. The director/choreographers ordinarily do not have uninterrupted periods during rehearsal days to discuss questions or concerns.

Holiday and Weather Closures

Our rehearsals typically take place on Saturday and Sunday. Holiday closures will be announced in advance. Weather closures, if any, will be displayed on our website and communicated via email.

Bottom Round Cap
Quote Marks
"I love the people at TDC and there is nothing that compares to it. From spending hours on end at dance competitions to the marathon that is Nutcracker, there is no one else that I'd rather laugh with, cry with, and celebrate with than my TDC family: both parents and teammates."
TDC Dancer since age 5
Elite Team Dancer since age 5
WWPDC Member
The Dance Corner The Elite Team West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company