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"Because we can dance all the time and the people there are so nice to be with!"
TDC Dancer since age 4
Elite Team Dancer since age 5
WWPDC Member
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"We all say TDC is our second home, but it’s true. We all go to take class and learn new skills but the best part is the friendships that you build. Everyone at TDC is there because they love dance. All the staff and students are there because they want to have fun doing what they love. It’s hard to describe but everyone here cares so much about each other and the craft. I have learned some of life’s most important lessons here, because it’s more than just dance class that we take here, everything that we do here is about having fun, building bonds and learning life lessons through dance."
TDC Dancer since age 3
Elite Team Dancer since age 10
WWPDC Member
The Dance Corner The Elite Team West Windsor Plainsboro Dance Company